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Featured charities

July 2024

Givto members will support one of these amazing charities next month. Who would you Givto?


Upward Mobility Ltd

Upmo supports adults and young people across Edinburgh & the Lothians who have learning disabilities and autism.

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Adults with Learning Disabilities

Serving Area

Lothians, Scotland

Charity register information
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Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice

Forget Me Not supports children with life-shortening conditions and their families across West Yorkshire.

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Children's Hospice

Serving Area

West Yorkshire

Charity register information
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Rainbow logo for Books Beyond Borders
Books Beyond Words

Beyond Words is the UK’s national charity for visual literacy and emotional wellbeing.

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Learning Disability

Serving Area


Charity register information
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Upward Mobility Ltd

Upmo supports adults and young people across Edinburgh & the Lothians who have learning disabilities and autism.

We help to build a more inclusive society with our tailored support services and learning opportunities.

Our Learning Programme provides students with employability skills, knowledge of health & wellbeing, and ways to express themselves through creative workshops. We want adults with learning disabilities to thrive and receive the support they need to play a role in their communities.

Two men holding plants they have grown

Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice

Forget Me Not supports children with life-shortening conditions and their families across West Yorkshire.

We need to raise over £4 million a year to help us continue to be here for the children and families who need us.

At Russell House, our fantastic hospice building in Huddersfield, and via our Hospice at Home service; we provide superb nursing care, days out, sibling support, respite care, therapy, end of life care, counselling and bereavement support.

Books Beyond Words

Beyond Words is the UK’s national charity for visual literacy and emotional wellbeing.

We work with people with lived experience to co-create word-free picture stories that help people understand and communicate their feelings, learn about new experiences and tell their own stories.

We help set up book clubs that give people with learning disabilities a space to have fun, make friends and socialise.

Three woman discussing in a library

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